iPhone & Android
Although it is perfectly fine to simply sit (to just “be”) with God using nexus prayer in serene silence (and I highly recommend it), most of us—especially those new to nexus prayer will benefit from the use of a prayer timer.
Of course, you can use the built-in timers on your watch, phone, or even your microwave, but those options will only permit you to set the start and end times, not the intervals associated with the Five Steps of Nexus Prayer. Plus, the beeps and buzzers associated with those devices do not make for a very prayerful or peaceful experience, to say the least.
Now, if I had my way, we would only use an original, antique Himalayan singing bowl from Tibet to help us mark our nexus prayer time. Historically, these ancient bowls were used by Buddhist monks as a signal to begin and end periods of silent meditation. I’ve used them often in the same manner over the years during both my centering prayer sessions and during my prayers with the World Community for Christian Meditation. Indeed, there is something divinely inspiring, even mystical about the “spiritual songs” and “good vibes” these bowls contribute to contemplative prayer.

Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls
But since nexus prayer is contemplative prayer for a new, 21st century generation, and since it utilizes five internal intervals for marking the duration of prayer, it should come as no surprise that there are now apps for that! The good news is that both apps that I recommend—the one for iPhone and the other for Android use very realistic digital samples of genuine Tibetan bowls. These apps represent the best of both worlds: combining ancient prayer practices with state-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology.
Therefore, I believe you’ll benefit from and enjoy nexus prayer more by downloading and using Meditation Timer Pro for iPhone from the App Store or Meditation Timer & Log by TeleSoftas that can be found on both the App Store and Google Play. The latter is totally FREE, available for both Android and iPhone devices, and even includes background music for use with your prayer practice, although as I’ve stated many times, I think we hear God best in sacred silence.
For additional information on this website about these apps, quick guides, and specific timer settings for use with nexus prayer, simply click on one of the links below. Questions? Please feel free to contact me anytime.
1 Photo: Nexus Prayer Timer Apps | © 2017 Nexus Prayer International.
2 Photo Credit: Antique Himalayan Singing Bowls | 2006 original photo by Jfinsf in public domain via Wikimedia Commons and used by permission.