Prayer Timer for Android Devices

In answer to the question, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” John 1:46, the answer is a resounding “yes” if you are speaking of Meditation Timer & Log created by Telesoftas. In Lithuania, of all places!

Elsewhere on this site I have recommended Meditation Timer Pro for use with nexus prayer. However,Β  since it is available only for iPhone users, and since more and more members of our local nexus prayer group are using Android devices, I can now wholeheartedly recommend Meditation Timer & Log available on Google Play and the APP Store.

This simple and lightweight app is as cheerful as it is powerful, and includes the following features…and more:

  • Highly Customizable Meditation Timer
  • Meditation History Information and Statistics
  • Meditation Activity Graph
  • Google Fit Integration and Data Synchronization
  • Option to Save and Load Custom Meditation Presets (see below)
  • Prayer/Meditation Pre-sets that are fully customizable including: prep time, duration time, bell ring intervals, nine different default chime sounds (including Tibetan singing bowls), optional back ground music (seven default music tracks), unique custom end sounds, and the ability to save all as presets with the unique names that you choose.

Although I still prefer to use the more robust Meditation Timer Pro for my daily nexus prayer sessions, I find myself using this beautiful little prayer timer app at least several times a week. There is simply something about it that just makes me feel happy when I use it. At first I resisted the built-in background music, believing as I do that we hear God best in complete silence, but I have slowly embraced the music tracks and can now recommend them for occasional use – especially when you are under the weather and need an Rx for the Body and Soul, or as part of very early morning prayers or late-night evening prayers.

Soon, I will add here a complete list of my recommended pre-sets for prayer, but to help you get started, here are my recommended settings for a 5 minute nexus prayer. After you download the app, I suggest you either delete the default presets, or simply modify them with the following settings.

Five Minute Nexus Prayer Settings
for Meditation Timer & Log

  • Preparation Time | 15 seconds
  • Meditation Duration | 5 minutes
  • Bell Ring Interval | 1 minute
  • Bell Ring Sound | Father
  • Background Music (optional) | White Clouds or Relax Symphony
  • Session End Sound | Magic
  • Rename | Off
  • Preset | Save (NXP-5m)

As you’ll soon discover, the app is very intuitive and easy to download and use. But as always, feel free to contact me anytime with any questions that you may have.